GENEBÁZE: Ancestors and Relatives, village Rataje

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(registration is compulsory)

Family names registered for this village. Colors distinguish ancestors, relatives and others.
Click the envelope for contact the person researching relevant family in this village.
If you wish to insert another families, please register by an email to the main Genebáze mail address. In the mail quote login and pasword you wish to use for this purpose.

Cvach Horáček

Čihák Franěk Kolář Pouzar Soulek Urban Veselý

Bejček Čížek Dušek Dvořák Hánovský Haškovec Hronek Kalous
Kirian Kníže Kotalík Kouba Koukal Kroužek Lála Macháček
Papáč Pelikán Pitra Přeslička Sehnoutka Skála Staněk Stupka
Suchan Šebek Tlášek Tupý Vícha Vlasák Zeman
